PADI alona

Package deals

Years of experience has brought us to where we are today. A full service dive operator and more! We take care of you from the moment you land till you have to go back home! Our dive packages allow us to look after you underwater as well as on-land. 

package deals catalogue

All-Inclusive Oasis

All-Inclusive Oasis

Good for 2 person
  • Single Rate: PHP 49.500
PADI IDC Panglao

Into The Sea Oasis Resort

Into The Sea Oasis Resort

Good for 2 persons
  • Single Rate: PHP 53.000
PADI IDC Panglao

The Best of Both Worlds (Sumisid & Oasis)

The Best Of Both Worlds

Good for 2 persons
  • Single Rate: PHP 68.500
ocean passion logo

Into The Sea Sumisid Lodge

Into The Sea Sumisid Lodge

Good for 2 persons
  • Single Rate: PHP 44.000
ocean passion logo

All-Inclusive Sumisid

All-Inclusive Sumisid

Good for 2 persons
  • Single Rate: PHP 40.000
ocean passion logo